“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

-Pablo Picasso

Hey, I’m J a Portland, Oregon based Glass Artist who originates from the East Coast. Growing up I was always obsessed with cartoons, art and pop culture. In college, I was introduced to traditional sculpture, fell in love with the medium and soon after became a Sculpting TA. In 2001 I was fortunate enough to take a two week multi city art trip to Italy and see Glassblowing for the first time right before my eyes.

After that spent a few years trying out different art paths including an extensive career as a professional action sports photographer. As rewarding as that career was I always in the back of my mind yearned for more of a hands on artistry. Fast Forward a decade later, combine my background and stronger growing curiosity with glass, the need for an expressive change, and wanting to work with my hands and in 2019 Ashes Rising Glass Art was born.

Today I am proud to say I am continuing to push my Glass career getting to create unique glass pieces as part of an amazing private studio, Oracle Glass. In addition to a safe, helpful and collaborative studio space, I am fortunate to have been welcomed with open arms into Portland’s local Glass Scene as well as their Art Market world. I am stoked to continue developing new skills, meeting new people, fellow artists, and pushing the boundaries for what I can create from Borosilicate Glass.

“In the world of art & glass, the possibilities are endless.”
